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Bajra(Pearl Millet/Cumbu) Price Trends in Sardar Shahar, Churu, Rajasthan

Date Min Price Max Price Model Price
Aug 21, 2020 ₹1400 ₹1410 ₹1400
Aug 21, 2020 ₹1400 ₹1410 ₹1400

Bajra(Pearl Millet/Cumbu) at Sardar Shahar Mandi FAQs

What is the market price of Bajra(Pearl Millet/Cumbu) today in Sardar Shahar market?

Today's average market price of Bajra(Pearl Millet/Cumbu) in Sardar Shahar is 1400.

What is the minimum market price of Bajra(Pearl Millet/Cumbu) today in Sardar Shahar?

1400 is the minimum market price of Bajra(Pearl Millet/Cumbu) in Sardar Shahar today.

What is the maximum market price of Bajra(Pearl Millet/Cumbu) today in Sardar Shahar?

1410 is the maximum market price of Bajra(Pearl Millet/Cumbu) in Sardar Shahar today.

What are the available varieties of Bajra(Pearl Millet/Cumbu) in Sardar Shahar?

The common varieties of Bajra(Pearl Millet/Cumbu) are Other etc across different markets in India.

Sardar Shahar Market Summary

Sardar Shahar Market Summary
Id 1586
Mandi Sardar Shahar
District Churu
Slug rajasthan/churu/sardar-shahar
State Rajasthan

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