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Live Commodity Rates at Kotputli(Pawla) in Jaipur, Rajasthan

यहाँ पर आप Kotputli(Pawla) मंडी में आलू, टमाटर, लहसुन, प्याज, अदरक, चना, एलोवेरा, धान, दाल, मक्का, सरसों, तुअर, धनिया, मुंग, लहसून, उड़द, मैथी, सोयाबीन, अजवाईन, तिल, खसखस, गेहुं, असालिया, चना, कलौैंजि, मसूर, सुआ, मटर, तारामिरा, जीरा, अलसी, आमला, जौ, देसी चना, उड़द, धनिया, मूंगफली, इसबगोल, ज्वार, डॉलर चना, मसूर, अलसी, मक्का, मैथी दाना, सरसों, तिल, सोयाबीन, तारामीरा आदि सभी प्रकार की कमोडिटी जो Kotputli(Pawla) मंडी में उपलब्ध है उसके सही ताज़ा भाव पता कर सकते है

Get the latest and updated prices in Kotputli(Pawla) market located in district in the state of Rajasthan. You can compare the rates of different varieties of in Kotputli(Pawla) market.

Kotputli(Pawla) - , Rajasthan

Price Updated on: Dec 26, 2024
Commodity (Variety) Price (Min/Max) / Unit Action

Kotputli(Pawla) Mandi FAQs

What are the commodities available in Kotputli(Pawla) market?

The following commodities are available in the Kotputli(Pawla) mandi: etc.

Mandi Information

Main Information

Market Area

Capacity of Cold Storages
Nearest place in the Hinterland
Farthest place in the Hinterland
Notified area of Market Committee Yard Nirmit Nahi Hai
Number of Cold Storages available 0
Subyard (If any) and It's exact location No
Number of Commodities notified under regulation 0
Commodity Wise Processing Units in the Market area
Average daily dispatches to outside markets during the season 10
Names of traditional markets(important) to which produce is sent Jaipur And Alwer
Average daily dispatches to outside markets during the peak period 100

General Information

City Paota
Market E-mail
Market Latitude
Postal Addresss Krishi Upaj Mandi Samiti Kotputli
Market Longitude
Year of establishment 1974
Telephone(with STD Code) 01421248096
Population served (in thousands) 15473
Market area served (No. of villages) 29

Rail/Road Connectivity

Name of the Nearest National/State Highway N.H 8
Name of nearest railway station from the market Neem Ka Thhana
Distance of the railway station from the market(in Kms.) 70

Administrative Information

Market hours 6 am to 10 pm
Market Holidays Purnima, Amavaya
Name of Chairman Smt. Vimala Dhankad
Name of Secretary Mrs. Preeti Sharma
Year of Regulation 1975
Address of Chairman Vill-Bhankari,Post-Paota,Teh-Kotputli
Address of Secretary Krishi Upaj Mandi Samiti, Kotputli
Phone No. of Chairman 9414214476
Regulated/Unregulated Unregulated
Phone No. of Secretary 9784444990
Supervisory(Permanent) 3
Supervisory(Temporary) 0
Administrative(Permanent) 0
Administrative(Temporary) 0
Name of Officer-in-Charge Sub Yard Incharge
Name of Market Legislation Raj Agri Product Market act 1961
Address of Officer-in-Charge Office Sub Yard Paota
Name of Owner and Management
Phone No. of Officer-in-Charge 01421248096
Mode of selection of APMC (Elected/Superseded/Nominated) Elected

Market Functionaries


Modal Mix% Mode Wise 70% Truck/30% Others
Modes of transport for despatches to various stations Truck/Pic-up
Mode of transport adopted for the market from farm gate Truck/Tractor/ Pic-up/Camel Cart

Market Functionaries

Trading hours 11.00 am to 6.00 pm
Are there quality disputes ? No
Farmer level grading in practice No
How are quality disputes settled ?
Time at which sale ends in the market 6.00 pm
Details of Accepted grade in the market
Time at which sale begins in the market 11.00 am to 4.00 pm
Whether produce is cleaned/graded before sale No

Transactional Methods

System of payment Cash
System of weighment
Transactional disputes and redressal mechanism
System of sale(if different for commodities please clarify)
Degree of transparency on method of sale,weighment and payment

List of Facilities Available

Market Charges

Finacial Position

Availability of Facilities and Services Information

Number Of Licensed Wholesale

Important Commodity Arrivals

Commodity Name Arrivals Production Season Peak Season Max daily Arr Min daily Arr Unit of Price Pack Size Arrival 1 Arrival 2 Arrival 3
2.   0     0 0     0 0 0
1. Barle   0     0 0     0 0 0

Kotputli(Pawla) Market Summary

Kotputli(Pawla) Market Summary
Id 3087
Mandi Kotputli(Pawla)
District Jaipur
Slug rajasthan/jaipur/kotputlipawla
State Rajasthan
Phone 01421248096
Establishment 1974
Address Krishi Upaj Mandi Samiti Kotputli

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