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Maize Price Trends in Bhilwara, Bhilwara, Rajasthan

Date Min Price Max Price Model Price
Nov 18, 2022 ₹1700 ₹2150 ₹1940

Maize at Bhilwara Mandi FAQs

What is the market price of Maize today in Bhilwara market?

Today's average market price of Maize in Bhilwara is 1940.

What is the minimum market price of Maize today in Bhilwara?

1700 is the minimum market price of Maize in Bhilwara today.

What is the maximum market price of Maize today in Bhilwara?

2150 is the maximum market price of Maize in Bhilwara today.

What are the available varieties of Maize in Bhilwara?

The common varieties of Maize are Deshi Red etc across different markets in India.

Bhilwara Market Summary

Bhilwara Market Summary
Id 1329
Mandi Bhilwara
District Bhilwara
Slug rajasthan/bhilwara/bhilwara
State Rajasthan

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